On-Call Scheduler


The On-Call Scheduler is a simple service for keeping track of your On-Call staff. The On-Call scheduler is also synchronized with your answering service making sure our operators contact the correct member of your staff.

Logging In

Logging in is straightforward and accomplished by entering your user information on our website here and selecting the “On-Call Scheduler” link.

Main Page

The main page features four selections on the left as well as the current schedule, viewing options for upcoming and past schedules, and editing options for the schedule.

Manage Contacts

The Manage Contacts page allows you to add or remove staff for use in the scheduling system.  Contacts are created with name and instructions, after creation contacts can have additional contact methods added using the button on the right side of the screen; pager, email, and telephone contact methods can all be added to each contact.


The Reports page shows scheduling changes made to your account and the user that made the changes.  Reports for past changes can also be viewed using the timeframe drop downs.

Manage Timeframes

The Manage Timeframes selection allows for the creation of preset timeframes for quick usage while scheduling.

Import Schedule

The Import Schedule option allows you to up load a schedule already created in Microsoft Excel or similar program.  The spreadsheet needs to be formated to certain specification covered here.



To add a new schedule click on the page icon on the Main Page.


Removing a schedule is accomplished by clicking on the red ‘X’ next to the schedule you want removed or by selecting multiple schedules with the check boxes to the right of the ‘X’ and selecting the red ‘X’ at the top next to the new schedule button.


To edit a schedule click on the page and pencil icon to the left of the schedule.


To duplicate a schedule click on the icon with two pages this will allow you to quickly duplicate a schedule for more than one person or more than one timeframe for a person.


In order to import schedules created in a spreadsheet program the spreadsheet needs to follow these specifications:

  • In the spreadsheet the tab must be named “Schedule
  • The sheet must have 4 column headings: “Contact Name“, “Reason to be on-call“, “Start Time“, “End Time
  • The format for column 3 & 4 is MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM [AM|PM]

After importing the screen will highlight any formatting errors in red.  You can correct the errors directly and click update to change the imported information.  After confirming the correct data has been read select “Submit to Database” to finalize the import.